HVAC maintenance

AC Maintenance: When To Change Your Air Filter

Like most people, you’ve probably noticed a blinking message or alert on your thermostat instructing you to change your air filter. Typically, you should change your air filters every three months. However, that timeline is fluid. You may need to change your air filter more often or less based on several factors. The Factors That […]

Three Common Myths of HVAC Maintenance

Every homeowner needs to be armed with basic knowledge about how to take care of their HVAC system. Unfortunately, bad information about HVAC maintenance circulates as much as the air itself.  Below are three common myths about HVAC care and the truth behind them.  Myth #1: You only need to change your air filter once […]

Why You Should Change Your Air Filters

It’s recommended to change the air filter in your home at least every 90 days. But what exactly is the reason for installing a new filter multiple times every year? Improved air quality Air filters help capture bits of pollen, dust, pet dander, and other particles that circulate through the air in your home. Trapping […]